Video Marketing
Internet marketing with video campaigning is one of the best ways to get your message across.

Restaurants Loves Facebook: Social Media
Plenty of brands are interacting with fans on social media these days. But few are as adept at responding as the industry already known for speed: fast food chains.

Motion Graphics Columbus
Computer animation has cemented its place in film and television, leaving behind traditional hand-drawn animation. Yet, despite the evolution from painted cels to software, the techniques and principles of animation remain largely unchanged.…

Retail Signage
Indoor Retail Video Signs
Opening a new business? Trying to promote a new product? Want to announce a big sale? Effective retail video signs can mean the difference between meeting sales goals and exceeding them.
Approved By: Dirk Stevens…

Restaurant Signage
Video signage can be used in all types of restaurants. Digital signage can be used without being obtrusive or abusive. Some restaurants have a lounge where customers wait.

Restaurant Signage
Numerous restaurants, and fine dining establishments have depended on us for signs that get your restaurant the visibility you need to get customers in the door. In todays economy, making your restaurant visible to customers, can be just as…

Dirk Stevens Video / Columbus
Located in Columbus, Ohio, our goal is to provide broadcast quality video at an affordable price, both as a sole provider, or working in partnership with agency, corporate, or independent producers. Our staff is made up entirely of professional…

Industrial & Trade Show Marketing
We design corporate videos that quickly captivate and communicate your message about your company, and its products and services.
[author] [author_image timthumb='on']https://dirkstevensvideo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/dirk_picture.jpg[/author_image]…

Digital Signage
Where are your advertising dollars going?
Are they effective? It may be time to think of your options in today's media world. The average person would prefer to watch, not read. Be it the TV, the internet, or DVD's. This does not mean you need…